Our Community

The Fadden Primary community shares the important values of caring and working together in children’s best interests. We have great support of school events, whether it is a learning journey, grandparents’ day, parent teacher interview, open day or fundraiser.

The parent committees of the P and C, Board, Before and After school care and the preschool are well attended and have knowledgeable, capable members who work hard and gain support from the broader community to assist the school.

We are pleased to have many willing volunteers who make Fadden Primary a better place. Most importantly, we value the day to day support parents give us in ensuring children are at school regularly, on time, wearing uniform ,with the materials they need to engage in our educational programs. We enjoy hearing from parents who share their expertise in particular areas with classes and join us in special projects. We have assistance within classrooms and on the sportsfield and in daily helping children learn what the school values of respect, confidence and responsibility mean.

Fadden Primary has an outstanding community who work together to make an outstanding school.