Every Fadden family is already a member of the Fadden P&C Committee. Joining us at a P & C meeting provides a great chance to meet new people, exchange ideas and become involved in your child's schooling. It is a social forum where parents, carers and the school's executive interact and can express their thoughts about school issues in a supportive environment.
The Fadden P&C comprises a diverse group of members with different skills, views and time commitments. We completely understand that many of our families are time-poor and are not always able to commit to formal roles - everyone is welcome!
We aim to create a P&C that is energetic, pragmatic and friendly, while being focused on supporting school programs, staff and the kids of Fadden Primary.
Why not come along to our next meeting? We meet in week 2 and week 8 of each term - keep an eye on our Facebook page for the details - https://www.facebook.com/fpspca/
The role of the P&C is to:
- Promote parent participation in school activities and encourage strong positive community support;
- Provide a forum for parents to discuss and debate school issues, education issues and policies;
- Raise funds for school resources;
- Providing a music program and second-hand uniform shop for the Fadden community; and
- Promote the benefits of the role and functions of the P&C as well as the benefits to participation.
What’s in it for me?
Involvement in the P&C offers many benefits to Fadden PS parents and carers. Some of these include:
- Getting to know the Principal better;
- Understanding more about school processes, issues and key events;
- Opportunity to express opinion on school matters;
- Learn new skills;
- Meet other parents; and
- Contribute to your child/ren’s educational experience.
P&C Executive Members 2023
Executive positions are elected each year at the AGM, which is held at the second meeting in Term 1. Many members of our Executive team are working full-time in addition to volunteering for the P&C. Please consider nominating for a position - more hands make light work!
- President - Tessa Lau
- Vice President - Vacant
- Secretary - Eleanor Boyle
- Treasurer - Ashleigh Cuthill
- Public Officer - Eleanor Boyle
- Preschool Representative – Anna Perry
- Fundraising - Beck Lysaght and Claire Macoustra
- Music Co-ordinator – Claire Wallis
- Uniform Shop - Jessica Wade
- Ordinary Members - Daniella Pozzolungo and Fiona Stewart
Meeting Time
The P&C meets on Tuesdays at 6pm during school terms.
Please follow our facebook page Fadden Primary school P&C Assoc or email Faddenpc@gmail.com for more information